What is a Soul Journey?
We often wonder if we are on a deeper quest in life when we are knee-deep in deadlines, dirty diapers, paying our bills and far too many social demands. Our modern world is spinning with familial and social obligations, continuous job training, financial stress and an overabundance of technology!
Where can we fit in an introspective Soul Journey of our very own?
Spiritual Alchemy Secret #1
You have to do this - this lifetime or another.
We find the time to deepen our walk with Source, our Guides, and our Inner Self because WE HAVE TO. This is the only way to begin living in balanced grace where we bring out our best talents and gifts to the world. Wishing for it to magically happen is just that - a wish.
YOU are worth your most precious time spent on revealing your Highest Blueprint for this lifetime.
Spiritual Alchemy Secret #2
It starts with small steps and builds to a natural state of Being.
There is no magic pill that will whisk us away to a life filled with butterflies and stars. We are required to put one foot in front of the other, and with the guidance of a trained teacher, we build a new foundation for the Intuitive life we want to experience. What does exist - in a super powerful and fully experiential way - is a life lived in miraculous breaths - where we flow from one synchronicity to the next - where our Intuitive Guidance is regularly 'on' - where we see/feel/experience the manifestation of our joyful desires almost instantly - and we feel more grounded, and greatly loved & supported on our unique Soul Journey.
Spiritual Alchemy Secret #3
The work pays off because Universal Laws never fail.
After we dig deep and get clean, clear and grounded - we then explore to our deepest depths to know our soul contracts and re-activate our Highest Blueprint for this lifetime. From that moment forward, we work with Higher Realm Beings daily in an easy and graceful manner. It is woven into our daily living - Ascended Living - so that our way is made smooth in continuous, luminous moments. This is ACTIVE Free Will Living on the planet. It seems like a miracle - but it is actually Universal Law.
In the Shaman path and the Spiritual Alchemist world, we work from the place of consciousness creating our physical world. It is a top-down concept. You are a GREAT BEING of Energy that has come to enjoy a planetary Earth life.
Your physical body and the world you have created around you are results of your conscious thoughts and soul choices for evolution. Universal Law states that it must be brought to you!
As we grow from childhood to adulthood, we take on emotional and mental traumas and dramas, and we forget that we are GREAT BEINGS with Free Will that may create easily and gracefully.
We have the free will choice to create from Joy AND experience Joy!
The Shaman path and Spiritual Alchemist path combine awareness of our soul contracts, what we are attracting to ourselves (in the past and now), and training on how to actively shift that to be in greater alignment for our well being when needed or desired (for now and the future).
I am immersed in both teachings (Shaman and Alchemist). I have witnessed in myself and countless others the beauty of combining earth & practical methods with energy & magic techniques to create a healed and exciting life! When we bring an open and listening heart, Source/God LIGHT begins to radiate from inside out and strengthens us for the journey. We clean out our own 'junk' and learn true healing and manifestation techniques. As we experience healed hearts, abundant creativity and new opportunities for healthy relationships and fulfilling work flow naturally into our path.
The student manuals that we use for the Soul Journey classes were written by Master Mayan Shaman Curandera Starr Fuentes. There was a moment when I first went through this course as a student that I fell to my knees in gratitude and tears. I had finally found methods and powerful grids of energy that truly assisted me in transforming my pains, releasing negative thought patterns and embracing my unique gifts - my voice - my heart.
Where can we fit in an introspective Soul Journey of our very own?
Spiritual Alchemy Secret #1
You have to do this - this lifetime or another.
We find the time to deepen our walk with Source, our Guides, and our Inner Self because WE HAVE TO. This is the only way to begin living in balanced grace where we bring out our best talents and gifts to the world. Wishing for it to magically happen is just that - a wish.
YOU are worth your most precious time spent on revealing your Highest Blueprint for this lifetime.
Spiritual Alchemy Secret #2
It starts with small steps and builds to a natural state of Being.
There is no magic pill that will whisk us away to a life filled with butterflies and stars. We are required to put one foot in front of the other, and with the guidance of a trained teacher, we build a new foundation for the Intuitive life we want to experience. What does exist - in a super powerful and fully experiential way - is a life lived in miraculous breaths - where we flow from one synchronicity to the next - where our Intuitive Guidance is regularly 'on' - where we see/feel/experience the manifestation of our joyful desires almost instantly - and we feel more grounded, and greatly loved & supported on our unique Soul Journey.
Spiritual Alchemy Secret #3
The work pays off because Universal Laws never fail.
After we dig deep and get clean, clear and grounded - we then explore to our deepest depths to know our soul contracts and re-activate our Highest Blueprint for this lifetime. From that moment forward, we work with Higher Realm Beings daily in an easy and graceful manner. It is woven into our daily living - Ascended Living - so that our way is made smooth in continuous, luminous moments. This is ACTIVE Free Will Living on the planet. It seems like a miracle - but it is actually Universal Law.
In the Shaman path and the Spiritual Alchemist world, we work from the place of consciousness creating our physical world. It is a top-down concept. You are a GREAT BEING of Energy that has come to enjoy a planetary Earth life.
Your physical body and the world you have created around you are results of your conscious thoughts and soul choices for evolution. Universal Law states that it must be brought to you!
As we grow from childhood to adulthood, we take on emotional and mental traumas and dramas, and we forget that we are GREAT BEINGS with Free Will that may create easily and gracefully.
We have the free will choice to create from Joy AND experience Joy!
The Shaman path and Spiritual Alchemist path combine awareness of our soul contracts, what we are attracting to ourselves (in the past and now), and training on how to actively shift that to be in greater alignment for our well being when needed or desired (for now and the future).
I am immersed in both teachings (Shaman and Alchemist). I have witnessed in myself and countless others the beauty of combining earth & practical methods with energy & magic techniques to create a healed and exciting life! When we bring an open and listening heart, Source/God LIGHT begins to radiate from inside out and strengthens us for the journey. We clean out our own 'junk' and learn true healing and manifestation techniques. As we experience healed hearts, abundant creativity and new opportunities for healthy relationships and fulfilling work flow naturally into our path.
The student manuals that we use for the Soul Journey classes were written by Master Mayan Shaman Curandera Starr Fuentes. There was a moment when I first went through this course as a student that I fell to my knees in gratitude and tears. I had finally found methods and powerful grids of energy that truly assisted me in transforming my pains, releasing negative thought patterns and embracing my unique gifts - my voice - my heart.
I now teach this amazing work through two courses:
Soul Journey 1: Clearing & Realignment and Soul Journey 2: Purpose & Destiny
Soul Journey 1: Clearing & Realignment and Soul Journey 2: Purpose & Destiny
How do I know if I am ready for these Soul Journey courses?
When you reach the point in your life where you are saying on the inside "ENOUGH! I am tired of being bound up by my fears, feeling off course with my life, and I am tired of working against the same dysfunctional patterns all the time," then I would say, "You are ready for Soul Journey 1!"
We may not have clarity at the moment of what it is we do want - but we are usually very certain when we are off course. We know because we are miserable. We feel emotionally stuck and either super sensitive or highly angry a lot of the time. It gets to the point where our Soul just feels sad and deflated.
Soul Journey 1 & 2 are a beautiful exploration and revealing of YOU; who you truly are, where you are now, and what you would like to create in your life experience. If you want to get clear of old energies, realign with Source and your Spirit Guides, gain clarity and spiritual strength, discover greater purpose, know your gifts and embrace your highest destiny - this is for you!
See Client Recommendations
In Soul Journey 1 - right from the first page - we will identify what old promises and Vows you have made in this lifetime and past lifetimes that are keeping you stuck, playing out the same experiences over and over, no matter that it is a new job or relationship. This is a difficult form of self-sabotage in that no matter what new affirmation you state, your Vow kicks in and may stop it.
Did you make a promise to self-sacrifice for others in a past lifetime? That is going to get in the way of learning to be healthy for you first, and then assisting others. So you may feel constantly drained and lifeless, and wondering why that mantra of "I nurture and honor myself" is not happening. We rescind all those no-longer needed Vows and replace them with beautiful LIGHT-filled Imprints to your Higher Self Blueprint.
Next, we focus on dysfunctional energetic cord attachments that you have with people, places and things that are zapping your energy field. As we energetically remove these, you learn a technique for doing this going forward, so you are always able to keep clean and clear energetically.
We also spend time on clearing out traumas and dramas from 'Mom & Dad Stuff' that you are still carrying around. Masculine and Feminine energies can be greatly blocked or dysfunctionally expressed if we do not take time to examine this important area of our growth.
A final element is that we work throughout the course with Eleven Universal Laws that you must understand to be able to navigate in the physical world in order to bring your passions to action and manifestation!
Students report changed outside experiences immediately during the course, and the many insights gained help them to put past experiences into spiritual relevancy in their lives.
In Soul Journey 2 - we jump right into your Soul Contracts! Now that you are clean, clear and realigned with the LIGHT in full force, it is time to find out your true Soul commitments made when you were still aligned with LIGHT before coming to the planet.
With your grounded confidence from Soul Journey 1, we are also able to uncover default and rebellion decisions that may be hindering your accomplishments and relationships designed into your Soul contract.
In this course, we delve into the meanings of 'High Destiny' and 'High Density' in our lives, where we are now, and how to set a road map for moving to higher vibrational living.
Now that you are living in greater awareness and consciousness, we are able to examine hidden patterns of behavior (buried deep sometimes) and misaligned manifestation beliefs. The Vows and Cords are gone, but we may be holding poor patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.
Source/God guides us in feeling the energy of your language - the words you choose each day - and the experiences that resulted from these choices. We learn how to pivot these belief systems for support of Light-filled manifestations, activities and relationships from the Dream plane all the way down to the Physical plane.
This DEEP work brings immediate realizations and new LIGHT-guided plans for students, allowing for excitement and motivation to be fully present and conscious and creating - NOW.
With your grounded confidence from Soul Journey 1, we are also able to uncover default and rebellion decisions that may be hindering your accomplishments and relationships designed into your Soul contract.
In this course, we delve into the meanings of 'High Destiny' and 'High Density' in our lives, where we are now, and how to set a road map for moving to higher vibrational living.
Now that you are living in greater awareness and consciousness, we are able to examine hidden patterns of behavior (buried deep sometimes) and misaligned manifestation beliefs. The Vows and Cords are gone, but we may be holding poor patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.
Source/God guides us in feeling the energy of your language - the words you choose each day - and the experiences that resulted from these choices. We learn how to pivot these belief systems for support of Light-filled manifestations, activities and relationships from the Dream plane all the way down to the Physical plane.
This DEEP work brings immediate realizations and new LIGHT-guided plans for students, allowing for excitement and motivation to be fully present and conscious and creating - NOW.
What is Robin's role?
I find immense joy in providing this life-transforming work, and I know and honor the dedication that each student brings to the Journey. I recognize each student's deep desire to be out of emotional pain and heart confusion, and I respect that a student's process is uniquely their own.
My job is to travel through this Soul Journey course with you, providing support, Higher Realm guidance, teachings and exercises that are specifically called forth by your Inner Self along with energetic techniques and exercises that help you build the foundation of a strong, healthy and vibrant YOU.
We have 12 hours together as we go through a single course and its workbook. We work intuitively and organically while staying to the course outline for homework and instruction as needed. No Soul Journey for one person is the same as another individual's - as it should be - so the revelations and insights belong to you, and we discover together your unique expression on the planet and your gifts to spread to humanity.
I can hardly find the words that describe how much my heart soars and sings as you clear away layers of entanglements, old Vows, dysfunctional energetic Cords and punishing self-talk. As LIGHT floods in, we work in co-creative union toward anchoring more energy and freedom for you on the Soul level, and identifying very real sources of Higher Realm energies that are working with you to bring about this luminous Revealing of YOU.
I look forward to Journeying with you soon.
Blessings, Robin
I find immense joy in providing this life-transforming work, and I know and honor the dedication that each student brings to the Journey. I recognize each student's deep desire to be out of emotional pain and heart confusion, and I respect that a student's process is uniquely their own.
My job is to travel through this Soul Journey course with you, providing support, Higher Realm guidance, teachings and exercises that are specifically called forth by your Inner Self along with energetic techniques and exercises that help you build the foundation of a strong, healthy and vibrant YOU.
We have 12 hours together as we go through a single course and its workbook. We work intuitively and organically while staying to the course outline for homework and instruction as needed. No Soul Journey for one person is the same as another individual's - as it should be - so the revelations and insights belong to you, and we discover together your unique expression on the planet and your gifts to spread to humanity.
I can hardly find the words that describe how much my heart soars and sings as you clear away layers of entanglements, old Vows, dysfunctional energetic Cords and punishing self-talk. As LIGHT floods in, we work in co-creative union toward anchoring more energy and freedom for you on the Soul level, and identifying very real sources of Higher Realm energies that are working with you to bring about this luminous Revealing of YOU.
I look forward to Journeying with you soon.
Blessings, Robin
For more information:
email [email protected] or go to Contact Page
email [email protected] or go to Contact Page
Photo: Bridge pathway, Arboretum, Overland Park, KS, ©Robin Morlock