Digging Deep
Vows - Energetic Cords - Family Trauma - Universal Laws
- Rescind past & current life VOWS that keep you stuck & playing out the same dramas.
- Cut ENERGETIC CORDS with people, places and experiences that are draining you of energy.
- Heal FAMILY TRAUMA/damage so you can choose new behaviors and discover the REAL YOU!
- Learn & experience the ELEVEN UNIVERSAL LAWS to stay grounded & manifesting well.
Gorgeous Benefits
- Free up enormous stores of energy for your life goals!
- Get clear on your relationship choices and release victim thinking.
- Feel grounded, stable, and confident in daily living.
- Understand your personal Gifts, Talents, and Passions for your mission in this lifetime.
- Know how to navigate & flow with the Universal Laws that support us.

All of these energies are interlaced in an energetic & emotional entanglement that is difficult to decipher and unwind.
The approach offered in Soul Journey 1 allows each energy to be addressed and unwound for greater clarity of purpose.
The approach offered in Soul Journey 1 allows each energy to be addressed and unwound for greater clarity of purpose.
Going deep into this introspective healing work, we clear old patterns and learn how to create experiences we desire and that provide vitality, creativity, prosperity and joy!
Robin is an excellent teacher - she sees what the real issues psychically are...she's warm, funny, and very passionate about what she does. She held such pure and powerful space. I felt immensely comfortable and supported in her presence throughout my Soul Journey.
---C.S., Singapore
This is a Starr Fuentes Mayan Lineage Healing
This healing work is passed to us through the work of Master Curandera Healer and Spiritual Teacher, Starr Fuentes. We use her powerful workbook titled FastTrack during this course.
As a Spiritual Alchemist and Intuitive, Robin guides participants to quickly uncover the layers of hidden energies, promises and patterns that are pulling at their life energy system and hindering progress toward soul path goals and healthy relationships.
See client testimonials here. |
Soul Journey 1 - Individual Course
One-to-One with Robin
6-Sessions - 2 hours each meeting
12 hours total Course time
Zoom Format
Work at your own pace on a schedule that works with your lifestyle!
YOU & Robin set the schedule.
There is homework between sessions AND you receive unlimited email support during course duration. Check in with Robin as much as you need to.
Investment: $1,370
FASTtrack workbook is used for this course - Robin will provide documents.
Payment is via PayPal. Full course payment is completed before the first meeting.
One-to-One with Robin
6-Sessions - 2 hours each meeting
12 hours total Course time
Zoom Format
Work at your own pace on a schedule that works with your lifestyle!
YOU & Robin set the schedule.
There is homework between sessions AND you receive unlimited email support during course duration. Check in with Robin as much as you need to.
Investment: $1,370
FASTtrack workbook is used for this course - Robin will provide documents.
Payment is via PayPal. Full course payment is completed before the first meeting.
Soul Journey 1 - Group Course
Group work with Robin
6-Sessions - 2 hours each meeting
12 hours total Course time
Zoom Format
As a GROUP, we chose a convenient time for all. The full 6 meeting schedule is decided on in advance before the course begins.
There is homework between sessions AND everyone receives unlimited email support during course duration. Check in with Robin as much as you need to.
REDUCED RATE for 2 or more students:
Investment: $1,280
FASTtrack workbook is used for this course - Robin will provide documents.
Payment is via PayPal. Individual Invoices sent out. Full course payment is completed before the first meeting.
Group work with Robin
6-Sessions - 2 hours each meeting
12 hours total Course time
Zoom Format
As a GROUP, we chose a convenient time for all. The full 6 meeting schedule is decided on in advance before the course begins.
There is homework between sessions AND everyone receives unlimited email support during course duration. Check in with Robin as much as you need to.
REDUCED RATE for 2 or more students:
Investment: $1,280
FASTtrack workbook is used for this course - Robin will provide documents.
Payment is via PayPal. Individual Invoices sent out. Full course payment is completed before the first meeting.
The GROUP course is limited to four students in one course.
This maintains the in-depth and personal guidance for all students.
This maintains the in-depth and personal guidance for all students.
How do I know if Soul Journey is right for me? READ HERE
email Robin: [email protected] or go to our Contact Page
Payment in full before start of class
email Robin: [email protected] or go to our Contact Page
Payment in full before start of class
Photo: retro journal day, iStock