Personal Session Offerings
Format: ZOOM
Find the session perfect for your Path now!
Below are healings and ascension trainings designed to:
Below are healings and ascension trainings designed to:
- Increase Your Psychic Abilities
- Quantum Leap Your Life Mission
- Activate Soul & Star Family Gifts
- Elevate Relationship & Career Choices.
- Embrace Your Higher Soul Path.
In each Category - Check Out the 3 Session Package Deal!
Increase Your Psychic Abilities
Spirit Guides are always with us, providing insights and life guidance.
Learn the types of Spirit Guides and how to talk with them. Energetically and FULLY meet FOUR of your most important Spirit Guides! 3 hours $281 |
Go through 4 dimensional planes with Robin leading the way. SEE auras & Light around others.
See your Spirit Guides and your own Past Lives in the face of another, and then in your own face. Re-wire the physical eye with the 3rd eye/6th chakra to SEE what other Dimensions hold. 2 hours $227 |
Luminous Consciousness
Increase Your Psychic Abilities
Quantum Leap Your Life Mission
Vow Rescinding
Vows are created in this lifetime and our past lifetimes. These Vows are promises made to God and to the people around us, but NOW, they no longer serve our Highest Divine Journey.
RESCINDING means to take it back completely. It no longer exists. We review 48 inhibiting Vows, Rescind damaging Vows, and implant New Higher Consciousness Imprints. 3 meetings - 6 hours $499 |
Energetic Cord RemovalNegative and Damaging Energetic Cord attachments drain our energy daily.
The cords may be attached to a person, place or emotional experience. Identify your sabotaging Cord attachments, Remove them with Shaman Techniques, and discover increased Energy & Joy! 3 meetings - 6 hours $499 |
Courage Activation
Life Patterning & Traumas leave us dis-empowered in our thinking and behavior.
When you know you are ready to stand STRONG and move with COURAGE to your next step in life, choose this Powerful Activation session! 2 hours $227 |
Quantum Leap Your Life Mission
Activate Soul & Star Family Gifts
Galactic Cosmic
The Sacred Call BackClearing Timelines of Compromised Energy
& Telling a New Story Signature Healing by Arcturian Light Beings facilitated through Robin Morlock
This is a RETURN TO WHOLENESS Healing session with Arcturian Guides assisting the identification of energies that have been bled out of the body & energy system over lifetimes of timelines.
Once identified, the Arcturian Healing Modality returns the energies to the person's system for WHOLENESS. The result is peace, clarity of self, increased energy and emotional balance. 2 hours $227 |
Elevate Relationship & Career Choices
Heart Centered
Soul Partner Healing
Career Guides
Elevate Relationship &
Embrace Your Higher Soul Path
Soul Vibration
We uncover your SOUL VIBRATION & open the flow of success, love, and joy in your life!
3 hours
Activate Your GIFTWhat is YOUR dormant Gift?
The one you know you have - and need to ACTIVATE! Robin assists in identifying what you are ready to bring out to the world and the best expression for it. This session is designed just for YOU. This will include Higher Realm Activations for a quickening transformation. 2 hours $227 |
Luminous Consciousness Energetic Face Lift
A transformational healing technique that restores vitalizing energies for clarity, radiance, and youthful luster to the skin!
Non-invasive, energy healing touch that brings DIVINE LIGHT into the aura, subtle bodies and skin. Radiance & Calm are the result! Distance Format.
Non-invasive, energy healing touch that brings DIVINE LIGHT into the aura, subtle bodies and skin. Radiance & Calm are the result! Distance Format.
For more information:
email [email protected] or go to Contact Page
email [email protected] or go to Contact Page