Light Language - Mayan Sacred Geometry
Ancient Mayans understood Light Language as the Cosmic Conversation between the physical & etheric worlds. As a Universal Language, Light Language transcends the spoken word.

Light Language is known as 'sacred geometry' - the combination of geometric dimensional shapes and color rays.
Geometry shapes and color rays are all around us in every form in the Universe. They carry a frequency energy that is both seen and felt by all living beings. The particles of information (the colors & shapes) are created from LIGHT WAVES and each combination has a unique message.
These sacred geometry shapes and colors create qualities, essences and messages that our subconscious mind is already trained to receive and understand.
Shamans spoke to the Higher Realms through Light Language and were able to manifest on the physical earth plane based on the power of these orderly combinations of shapes and colors.
Geometry shapes and color rays are all around us in every form in the Universe. They carry a frequency energy that is both seen and felt by all living beings. The particles of information (the colors & shapes) are created from LIGHT WAVES and each combination has a unique message.
These sacred geometry shapes and colors create qualities, essences and messages that our subconscious mind is already trained to receive and understand.
Shamans spoke to the Higher Realms through Light Language and were able to manifest on the physical earth plane based on the power of these orderly combinations of shapes and colors.
Light Language Grid - 49 Shapes
A 49-shaped Light Language grid is designed based on the specific goal or intent that an individual wants to emanate and manifest. Like a wordless prayer, the powerful grid of sacred geometry goes out to the Universe as light emanations that magnetize supportive energies back to the individual.
These Light Language emanations are clear and direct.
Spoken affirmations can carry clouded messages because of the limitations of the spoken word.
Once set in motion, the Light Language grid is like a sonar call to the Universe, drawing in manifestations and experiences that resonate with the grid's intent.
These Light Language emanations are clear and direct.
Spoken affirmations can carry clouded messages because of the limitations of the spoken word.
Once set in motion, the Light Language grid is like a sonar call to the Universe, drawing in manifestations and experiences that resonate with the grid's intent.
Have a 49-Shaped Grid Designed for Your Intention!
This personal session includes an online meeting between you and Robin to discuss what goal or manifestation you would like to bring into your life experience.
This may be:
Once the Goal is decided, we design the INTENTION STATEMENT that will be at the top of the 49-shaped Grid and anchor the manifestation energy.
Robin will bring together the 49-shaped Light Language Grid, along with a brief description of the meanings of each of the shapes that were chosen for this emanation.
After you receive the PDF copy of your colorful grid and the explanation, it is already working!
All you need to do is look at the grid as a whole and allow the images to penetrate into your aura.
This may be:
- Physical Manifestation or Healing
- Mental Shift
- Emotional Healing
- Spiritual Growth Goal
- Business Goal
Once the Goal is decided, we design the INTENTION STATEMENT that will be at the top of the 49-shaped Grid and anchor the manifestation energy.
Robin will bring together the 49-shaped Light Language Grid, along with a brief description of the meanings of each of the shapes that were chosen for this emanation.
After you receive the PDF copy of your colorful grid and the explanation, it is already working!
All you need to do is look at the grid as a whole and allow the images to penetrate into your aura.
Do it once and that is it!
Set it out to view often, or tuck away in a binder.
It is already sending out to the Universe to
magnetize these experiences to you.
Examples of a Light Language Grid
This is a Starr Fuentes Mayan Lineage Healing
Light Language Session & Grid
ONE (1) 49-shaped Grid with one intention statement: $290
- Email Robin with desire for a Light Language Grid. We will choose a date to meet on Zoom.
- Meet for 30 minutes to 1 hour over Zoom.
- We uncover what you desire to manifest with your sacred geometry grid, and we spend time designing your Intention Statement for the Grid.
- Let Robin know what (in general) you would like in the BONUS 'God Grid' - which is an Intention of Highest Good for your community, country, or the world in general. Robin will work with it from there.
- Robin will take 1 to 2 weeks following the Zoom call to put the Light Language Grid together for you.
- It will be in PDF format. There will be one page for the grid with shapes/colors and Intention Statement. There will be following pages describing the meaning of each of the chosen shapes/colors. You can print out the PDF document for use in your home, setting it on your desk, or placing it in a sacred space.
A BONUS 'GOD GRID' is a Light Language Grid that is 49 shapes as well. We set an Intention of healing for the larger public, and this is our 'gift' back to the Universe while we are setting a more personal Intention of manifestation.
- Payment is through PayPal. Invoice sent via email.
- Payment is expected prior to the Zoom meeting date.
Learn More! Check out my podcast with Kimberli Ridgeway SoulRetriever titled:
Light Language for Fun, Healing and Manifesting!
Light Language for Fun, Healing and Manifesting!
email Robin: [email protected] or go to our Contact Page
email Robin: [email protected] or go to our Contact Page