There are many transformative classes and sessions offered on my site for discovering your Soul Gifts, learning High Magic techniques for improved living, and receiving healing, or increasing your own healing wisdom!
If you are not sure where to start, I offer guidance below with a "Growing Your Light" course & session agenda.
I designed this "Growing Your Light" plan based on how these amazing class & session energies build on themselves and provide a wonderful foundation for increasing your confidence & psychic awareness, activating your Soul gifts, and aligning you to your Soul Purpose.
Are you ready to begin?
This is still in development - the PDF list and the PLAN list will be added soon.
Blessings, Robin
This is still in development - the PDF list and the PLAN list will be added soon.
Blessings, Robin
Click below for a downloadable PDF list
Below is the order of the "Growing Your Light" Plan suggested classes & sessions, with brief descriptions and links. These are also listed on the downloadable PDF document.
First Choice:
Luminous Consciousness Brain Activations
Luminous Consciousness Brain Activations
Second Choice:
Heart Centered Check-In Session
Heart Centered Check-In Session