This DNA INVOCATION will activate the chromosomes and telomeres to return to their most perfect, Original Divine Blueprint state.
The result is a 'turning back the clock' Youthing process that is subtle and powerful. Radiance and Vibrancy are returned to the body!
Energy Upgrades coming from:
Advanced Galactic Star Families
& Ancient Shamanic Elders
Included in this powerful DNA INVOCATION
- PEACE Prayer to center in the Heart.
- You receive the DNA Invocation spoken/activated by Robin for YOU. Feel the healing and the transformation inside your body taking place.
- Robin activates the DOWNLOADS from the Star Families and the Ancient Shamanic Elders directly to you, the healer. This is a 'Key code' in order to be able to facilitate the DNA Invocation for your clients or in healing circles.
- Meet and be introduced to YOUR personal Star Family Guide and Ancient Shamanic Elder Guide during these powerful Downloads.
- Receive Robin's notes and 'teaching training' on best practices for doing this DNA Invocation for others.
- Practice activating the DNA Invocation by facilitating it back for Robin during the meeting. This allows you supported and private practice of delivering this powerful Invocation and to receive positive feedback from Robin.
- All the documents you need to facilitate this for your clients.
- Audio Recording of this Individual Meeting.
Please NOTE: This is NOT a Mayan Lineage Starr Fuentes DNA Youthing/Healing Meditation.
After reading 3 books on DNA Youthing science, Robin received channeled Downloads from Advanced Galactic Star Beings (from the Quantum Field) and the Ancient Shamanic Elders (from the Astral Field).
The words and energy Downloads come directly from these Ascended and Higher Realm Beings that bring higher consciousness trainings and body healings to Earth for our benefit.
This is powerful, transformational healing back to the Original Divine Blueprint, and it is with great joy that Robin passes this on to others.
After reading 3 books on DNA Youthing science, Robin received channeled Downloads from Advanced Galactic Star Beings (from the Quantum Field) and the Ancient Shamanic Elders (from the Astral Field).
The words and energy Downloads come directly from these Ascended and Higher Realm Beings that bring higher consciousness trainings and body healings to Earth for our benefit.
This is powerful, transformational healing back to the Original Divine Blueprint, and it is with great joy that Robin passes this on to others.
Healing, Training, Downloads passed on
Individual Session
Session Investment = $83
Time Allowance = 1.5 to 2 hours
This session is priced at a special offer investment amount as a SERVICE to my community of amazing healers. May many healers now activate 'age reversal' and 'vibrant living' for all!
ZOOM Format
Payment through Paypal. Invoice sent to your email address.
Audio Recording provided after session.
Time Allowance = 1.5 to 2 hours
This session is priced at a special offer investment amount as a SERVICE to my community of amazing healers. May many healers now activate 'age reversal' and 'vibrant living' for all!
ZOOM Format
Payment through Paypal. Invoice sent to your email address.
Audio Recording provided after session.
email Robin: [email protected] or go to our Contact Page
email Robin: [email protected] or go to our Contact Page